Home outdoor and patio are best places to sit in summers and winters to enjoy the breeze and sunshine respectively. But sitting always demands something really comfortable to enjoy all in full mood. For outdoor seating and coffee taking we have done this DIY pallet patio furniture project which is has purely been originated out of pallet wood and some of plywood. Seating plan has been accomplished with DIY pallet sofas which are just ready to serve after pacing a suitable and fuzzy cushion.
To support the beverage and coffee while being at this sofa, we have given it a centerpiece DIY pallet coffee table finished with glass top. Berth has been covered with plywood addition to allow smoothness for seating but it can also be done without plywood if your desire. Make this whole DIY pallet salon duplicated at home and enjoy the outdoor feasting and meals and whole plan is much friendly in budget and goes very light to your pocket.