People addicted to creativity can just be a part of modern creative world of pallet furniture projects where there is abundance of superbly creative wooden handcrafts the people share daily! We also unleash the bigger secrets of pallet furniture recycling and crafting on daily bases and today we have selected this DIY pallet coffee table with star patterned top, really a something we can call outstanding and bizarre with respect to creativity! Pallet slats which have been chopped and given sharp edges through sharp cuts, have been put flat to fill up the targeted start pattern!
After you get your hands onto a patterned wooden top just install the appropriate legs to it for an output of a functional table! Here old steel made hairpin legs have been select to make the table stand stylishly! Makes the reclaimed steel legs galvanized and finish the top wooden top with some protective coats of stable to create lasting stability to design! The table can be used alone as a wall art, just give it a stable wall mount!