We all love our pets for sure but it also demands to notice their needs of food and residence. You can create some tiny residences or houses for their pets and can also construct some sleeping platform for them on a budget using pallets. After playing all the daylong with you, this DIY pallet pet bed will really be a place for your pet to take rest. Pallet wood has been reconstructed and restyled to give this eminent shape of pet bed with boundary that will avoid the falling off pillows or cushion.
This DIY pallet project is just simple but will really be delightful for your dog. Both your dogs and cats will love to sit and sleep on this comfy bed frame having no-cost budget. Just add a piece of mattress or cushion to add super comfort to this handmade model of pet bed. The dimensions are wide enough that you can specified it for two breeds of dog pets at the same time.