Fireplace is one of the luxury features of a home or a living room and people are just getting addicted to ways that help to gain some cool effects of their fireplaces! Using mesh made and other stylish glass screens that also display awesome art when just fire burns behind, is also going through trends! However, you can also get your fireplace as a fancy décor for your living room when it is going through an off season, and you can do so even for free if having some pallets as this beautiful DIY pallet fireplace wooden screw with painted Lindisfarne Casltle is all waiting for you!
You can even buy the screens if your pocket allows but going with pallets is a free solution here to turn your fireplace into a stunning decor while it is on fire! There is an arched top and two custom feet that can turns into a self-standing piece of art, just get some individual and straight lengths of pallets to clone this design!