Pallet art is quite handy to manage things in an inexpensive way. In fact pallet art is a kind of recycling of things, many out of order and use things can be managed to avail a unique looks. Jewelry items are the most important for girls and are often destroyed by being tangled with each other especially necklaces. Usually it becomes problematic to handle this embarrassing situation and have to buy expensive jewelry boxes. Now through pallet art you may create inexpensive and unique Pallet jewelry holder.
Instructions to make your own pallet jewelry holder:
Stuff needed:
A pallet of 8 x 20” size is sufficient to make Pallet jewelry holder that can be used in various locations. Besides a pallet collect some rustic and new nails and some knobs. For this purpose old used knobs of drawers and taps can be used. Same basic tools and varnish for giving a neat finish and shine to Pallet jewelry holder.
Take the pallet and sand it smoother the surface for avoiding any damage to jewelry and your skin. Now place new and rustic nail at the boundary of pallet as per your choice. You may consign one shining new nail after every two rustic ones or can select pattern of your own choice. Fix the knobs to the center of pallet for making pallet jewelry display. Apply two or three coats of varnish to enhance natural design of wood and for neat finish. Varnish layer will save the jewelry being rusted due to rustic nails and knobs. Fix one or two hooks at the back of pallet jewelry display for hanging it on desired location.
Use Options:
You may hang this item in your dressing room or inside your cupboard to keep it safe from dust etc. It can be placed on wall besides your bed so that you can hang on your jewelry there at sleeping time.