There are a lot of benefits of recycling pallets and the greatest advantage is that it comes in skid form so you don’t have to work laborious hours on its breaking and dismantling. Only with a little trimming of the skids you get pallet planks and these planks can used for the structural set up of many items. Same has been done with this DIY pallet patio sofa, so that you enjoy a luxurious, stylish and cost free seating plan for your fun outdoor spaces.
In this case three pallet planks with dice section have been piled over each other to gain a very contemporary style sofa for the comfortable seating in the open ambiance of your patio. Pallet slats have been also separated from the skids which have been engineered so to give the sofa relaxing back rest. Garden, patio, porch and even the living room corners can also be filled with this gorgeous and functional sofa for multiple seating purposes.

Made by: Esprit Loft Recup