If you are lover of crazy and unique items then show your bohemia style and taste in the furnishing range of your house. And when we think of the furniture the very first item to hit our mind is a chair. A chair with a berth seat and four simple legs is now so common and boring style which may not satisfy your bohemia attitude which demands creative and unusual items. Here we have with us this DIY pallet and spool chair which is quite interesting and super cool in its design and shape and would surely make a very distinctive appearance in your spaces.
And the icing on the cake is that you can make it free of cost and with your own hands at home. All you need to do is find some pallets and cable spools form the trashes, dumps and junk yards. The seat and the back of the chair has been built form the pallets and the round sides of the spool has been turned into the legs of this innovative chair.

Made by Laura Shubert