These DIY pallet hanging planters are pretty wall and fence decorators that you can use anywhere and everywhere in your house. Easy to make, they use upcycled pallet wood and make good plant starters. The planters have a protruding back that contains a circular cutout, which serves for hanging. The box is a simple rectangle with two drainage holes in the bottom piece. The wood is whetted and the soil holder is painted white leaving out the hanger. You can make a whole line of these for your herbs and seasonal flowers. The clash of the white with the vibrant flowers will lit up your garden and mood as well.
DIY Wall Hanging Herb Planter
DIY Pallet Wood Chevron Herb Planter
DIY Pallet Hanging Planter Box
Pallet Garden
Pallet Potting Bench for Your Garden
Pallet Planter Stand / Organizer
Vertical Gardening out of Recycle Pallets
Pallet Herb Garden a Source of Natural Remedy
25 DIY Pallet Garden Projects
DIY Pallet Planter Tutorial
Colorful DIY Vertical Pallet Garden
DIY Pallet Hanging Planter
Pallet Wheel Barrel Planter